Sunday, September 9, 2012

Interview: Alison - Relauncher | Live Healthy Simply - healthy living ...

What inspired you to start The Relauncher?

I?ve always had a keen interest in health, beauty and wellbeing.? After having 2 kids close together, I?d taken some time off from my Marketing career and decided that I didn?t want to go back into a corporate lifestyle.

I sat down, thought of all the things I was interested in, enjoyed doing and was good at ? then put it together in a businesses
plan.? Relauncher was then born :)

For those of you that aren?t sure what Relauncher is, it?s an online destination for shopping, gifts and inspiration ~ all in the essence of leading a healthy beautiful life.? Where possible, organic & natural products are chosen ? along with items to help organise your life and make it easier and simpler.? There are also some amazing services which have been tailored especially for Relauncher customers too!

How do you maintain a healthy lifestyle?

A healthy lifestyle is key for me.? Without this, everything else wouldn?t function properly.? It?s the number 1 factor for looking after myself.

My morning ritual consists of warm water, sliced ginger, freshly squeezed lemon juice & tsp of coconut oil.? I also have a sugar-free diet, which means I don?t add sugar to any of my food or drinks, plus I eat foods with less than 7g/100g of sugar.? Sarah Wilson is also a big advocate of this.

I also do a variety of exercises including a mixture of yoga, pilates, zumba, walking and jogging throughout the week. Taking time for exercise and healthy eating allows me to have loads of energy.

How do you find balance in the busyness of life?

This is such a great question.? I have 2 young boys, so in between my work, I?m also sorting them out for school, taking them to after-school activities, helping with homework?the list goes on.

To fit everything in and have a balance, I get up early each morning (5am).? This allows me an extra 1 ? hrs ?where I can get work done and gain a head-start on the day.? If I didn?t take this time in the morning ? it would be hard for me to fit in my exercise (which I couldn?t cope without!).

?Please share your favourite recipe

I have a sweet tooth.?Although I don?t eat sugar, I still love my chocolate.? Here?s an amazing chocolate nut cake recipe I created.

Base Ingredients & Method:

1/2 cup dates
1 cup activated* walnuts (or nuts of your choice)
1/3 cu organic coconut oil (melted)
1/4 cup desiccated coconut

Place all ingredients in the blender & mix until finely chopped up. ?Once the mixture resembles crumbs, press into a lined slice dish or cake tin.

Tip: if the dates seem hard, soak them in boiling water for 5 minutes. ?Discard the water and proceed with the recipe. You?ll also find this adds extra moisture to the base.

Press into a lined cake tin, then place into the fridge while you prepare the topping.

* To activate the nuts, soak them overnight in water, or for up to 24hrs. Rinse off, then they are read to use in the recipe.

Topping Ingredients & Method:

7 dates
2 ? TBS peanut butter (I get this from the health food aisle as it has far less sugar)

3 TBS coconut milk

1 TBS vanilla paste

4 TBS cacao powder
? c organic coconut oil (melted)
4 TBS boiled water

Place all ingredients in the blender and mix until it?s a chocolatey consistency. ?If it?s too dry, add a TBS or so extra of hot water.

Place on top of the base, then scatter coconut / pistachios / berries on top.

Put back in the fridge for 1-2hrs before serving.

What is the number one thing you would recommend to a person who wants to improve their health?

Pinpoint what you want to improve, then find a solution which is achievable.? Rather than trying to fix everything at once, concentrate on singular goals.? The feeling you?ll gain from the achievement will then motivate you to continue.

What are your goals for the Relauncher?

I have many goals.? Overall the business will continue and grow as I add more products, services and offerings to help people come healthier & more organised. I?m also in the process of collaborating with some wonderful people and look forward to where this may take me.

Connect with Alison





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