Sunday, September 9, 2012

Why You Should Come To The Disrupt SF Hackathon

Screen Shot 2012-09-07 at 12.53.29 PMEditor?s note: This is a guest post by Bryan Schreier (@schreier), Dropbox?s board member and partner at Sequoia Capital. Sequoia is an investor in?Dropbox, Evernote, Stripe, Tumblr, Instagram and Airbnb and a TechCrunch Disrupt Partner.? Everyone follows the mainstage events at Disrupt, and with good reason. Who can forget Heather Harde recovering the missing check for Mint at TechCrunch 40, David Sacks and Yammer winning TechCrunch 50, pretty much every Arrington interview, and most of all, the many impressive founders who?ve marched their companies across the Battlefield over the years. My favorite moment was watching Drew Houston and Arash Ferdowsi?introduce Dropbox to the TechCrunch community back in 2008. It was a powerful springboard and well worth the time we invested preparing.


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